A short public letter from Andrea
A warm welcome to visitors to my Channel. And may I graciously offer a hint for everyones [sic] happy understanding?
The breadth of free-expression means that in the public sphere, there ought to be no legislative bar to your most cherished beliefs being ridiculed - religious, scientific, moral, or matters of self-identity - even to the point of infuriating you. Don't pretend your annoyance is justification for wrongful actions by you. That's bad-faith. Freedom of expression permits the offended to strut up and down Sloane Street in reply with banners and megaphones, burning flags.
Free-expression is not polite talk. The concept is content and viewpoint neutral. There are limits to free-expression in public. Truthfulness or reasonableness or respect between independent persons [robust inhabitants of a realm of Civic Humanism] is not part of those limits. In my case, the realm has a constitutional monarch. Her titles might better include "defender of liberties".
A litmus-test that the Mohammedan Ideology is totalitarian groupthink? The sad votaries, imprisoned by its mental programming, define a core of their self-identity by reference to other people's consent to the truth of the very same Mohammedan Ideology. It is Satre's [sic] "Hui Clos".
I cannot decide if it is by the conscious subtlety of Bedouin chess players in the Grand Mosque at Mecca, or by self-developing sub-routines of the Islamic thought system, but a distortion of the concept of free-speech into deference to religious dogma is being used to erect a "de facto" offence of heresy against Islam within Western secularism. That is the subtext of the Wilders Affair. Hence its importance to lovers of liberty.
Don't ask me to say that raping a 9yr old child deserves anything other than complete contempt (Bukhari Hadith Vol 5, Book 58, Number 236). Wash that sh*t out of your mind. This facet of the Mohammedan Ideology sets its underlying moral tone - aggressive, abusive, rapacious, and devoid of gentleness or intimate respect. No moral person can contemplate erotic intimacy with a child, save with disgust and contempt. The fact that Islamic apologists will go to great lengths to excuse this element of the Ideology, shows we are dealing with the morally bankrupt. I refer you to an arch-apologist at watch?v=K7UBTTd3eB4
I p*ss my knickers to see this character use (i) cross cultural studies, and (ii) pressure to pro-create, as moral justification for Mohammedan paedophilia. You will hear the author say, with commendation, that the sexual attractiveness of girls accompanies the age of puberty, which, the author says, ranges from 7 to 13yr. I am no student of adolescent psychosexual or physiological development. But, no adult would possess in consciousness such feelings without caution and moral alarm. Only a paedophile would offer sexual attraction to children or adolescents as a model for contemporary adult behaviour. The author then quotes scholarly studies of pre-modern definitions of puberty, meaning "attaining an adult level of maturity, behaviour and responsibility". The logic becomes blurred at this point, but as I understand it, the author argues that such early "maturity" morally permitted sexual intimacy between pubescent girls and (I infer) older men, like Mohammed. The mood-music is that Mohammed is a moral exemplar for all times. Hey presto, in contemporary society, adult males may rape 9yr old girls with impunity. Is that the meaning? If not, then why does the apologist not say the example of Mohammed has no relevance to modern life?
When you and I and perhaps some third person [ ;-) ] make love, it is something of the utmost reverence and shattering intimacy. Only adults have the proper confidence and status voluntarily to dismantle the boundaries of the self and admit others to the heart of our being.
"It is marvellous to wake up together at the same minute;
Marvellous to hear the rain begin suddenly all over the roof ....
.... And we imagine dreamily
How the whole house caught in a bird-cage of lightning
Would be quite delightful rather than frightening ....
....Without surprise
The whole world might change to something quite different,
As the air changes or the lightning comes without our blinking,
Change as our kisses are changing without our thinking."
My goddess, can Elizabeth Bishop write!
May I curl up in bed with you, take your hand to span my breasts, rest my head on your shoulder, and tuck your fingers amidst my p*ssy, and I do the same with you? For an evening at least, may we come as close to the divine as is humanly possible? And if we cry in each others arms, and our tears and kisses and the moisture of our love smear all over us, then we have seen further into life's secrets. Like Sir Isaac Newton, we will have stood upon the shoulders of giants. That is my philosophy of life and love.
x andrea
PS: if you think the authors of vids in this playlist serve a common debased purpose, I agree.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Letter From a Mental Case
Submitted for your approval.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Welcome to Condell Britain
Here's another hatchet job on Pat. I was a little disappointed in the original as I thought it would be a lot more inflammatory than it actually was given that YouTube banned it. Pat does deal in some stereotypes, but some washed-up old drunk complaining about Arab shopkeepers doesn't shock me all that much. But don't forget to sign the petition!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Pat Condell, the Christmas Hypocrite!
Pat actually keeps a nativity scene in his house, claims that "Christmas is for everyone!"
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I Get Letters!
I recently mocked Ol' Pat for saying that "A vote for Labour is a vote for Islam." In my first video, I speculated about to which political party he might belong. One of the bigger lunatics from YouTube, SayNoToIslamofascism, was kind enough to send me a private message.
SNTI hadn't had enough, so he posted the following on my video.
Pat Condell......supports a British party called UKIP, not BNP, so get ya facts straight.Which is hilarious because the UKIP is a reactionary offshoot of the Tories. So much for Pat being Old Labour!
SNTI hadn't had enough, so he posted the following on my video.
Why do you appease religion you left wing nut? For an Atheist you seem to do little religion bashing and more Atheist bashing. Victimlesscriminal a lunatic. Lol, how deluded. Ignore the good work he does making videos that hsow [sic] religion for what it is. If he don't suck up and appease religion, particularly your friend Islam, then they must be lunatics. Great logic. You need stop licking ass and lighten up, and stop apologizing to dogmas that enslave the mind.I really don't like people like this using my videos as a platform to spread their hate, so I immediately blocked him. Following up with another hater, I see that he posted twice on her profile!
PS: Got bored after 15 seconds.
If you're reading hitchwatch from Chicago (yep, know where you live) this is my comment response you pathetically won't allow.And there's more!
"Educated response. Is that about your limit? Ad hominem? Can't make a constructive response, so write something a retard would come up with. Whats your obsession with Pat? Jealous he's rational and is a popular voice of Atheism? My obsession with Islam is the same as my obsession with the Abrahamic faiths: Their total destruction through education. You might think the Cancer of monotheism is cute, but it's a Cancer, poisoning young minds and causing wars. Fuck religious appeasers like you
Condellwatch truely [sic] is pathetic. Blocks you when you make a negative comment about him. Insecure fuck. Reminds me of VenomFangX. Must be an asshole to know, infact[sic] I would say in real life, his friends are non existant. [sic] The guy needs to grow up.The fact that Pamfino previously blocked my hitchwatch ID makes all this drama even funnier! Can there be any doubt that Pat Condell's more ardent fans tend to be insane?
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