Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Get Letters!

I recently mocked Ol' Pat for saying that "A vote for Labour is a vote for Islam." In my first video, I speculated about to which political party he might belong. One of the bigger lunatics from YouTube, SayNoToIslamofascism, was kind enough to send me a private message.
Pat Condell......supports a British party called UKIP, not BNP, so get ya facts straight.
Which is hilarious because the UKIP is a reactionary offshoot of the Tories. So much for Pat being Old Labour!

SNTI hadn't had enough, so he posted the following on my video.
Why do you appease religion you left wing nut? For an Atheist you seem to do little religion bashing and more Atheist bashing. Victimlesscriminal a lunatic. Lol, how deluded. Ignore the good work he does making videos that hsow [sic] religion for what it is. If he don't suck up and appease religion, particularly your friend Islam, then they must be lunatics. Great logic. You need stop licking ass and lighten up, and stop apologizing to dogmas that enslave the mind.

PS: Got bored after 15 seconds.
I really don't like people like this using my videos as a platform to spread their hate, so I immediately blocked him. Following up with another hater, I see that he posted twice on her profile!
If you're reading hitchwatch from Chicago (yep, know where you live) this is my comment response you pathetically won't allow.

"Educated response. Is that about your limit? Ad hominem? Can't make a constructive response, so write something a retard would come up with. Whats your obsession with Pat? Jealous he's rational and is a popular voice of Atheism? My obsession with Islam is the same as my obsession with the Abrahamic faiths: Their total destruction through education. You might think the Cancer of monotheism is cute, but it's a Cancer, poisoning young minds and causing wars. Fuck religious appeasers like you
And there's more!
Condellwatch truely [sic] is pathetic. Blocks you when you make a negative comment about him. Insecure fuck. Reminds me of VenomFangX. Must be an asshole to know, infact[sic] I would say in real life, his friends are non existant. [sic] The guy needs to grow up.
The fact that Pamfino previously blocked my hitchwatch ID makes all this drama even funnier! Can there be any doubt that Pat Condell's more ardent fans tend to be insane?


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